Monday, December 18, 2006

mi hermano...
numero dos...

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Rudolph injured in sleigh crash...

This is what happened after Rudolph had too much eggnog and went joyriding in Santa's sleigh. The EMT assisting Rudolph with O2 is sometimes partner/study pal...and the one who responded to the sleigh crash. Reports are that Rudolph is in good condition at Harbor General Hospital in Carson, where Rudolph was transported due to the significant MOI and traumatic injuries Rudolph sustained. Doctors state that Rudolph should be released in time to fill his spot on the Christmas Eve shift. (Note: this is not a HIPAA violation since Rudolph is a fictional character.)

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Ponder anew...

So, after almost 2 years of thinking about it...I am finally going to do it...that is, go away for a semester abroad in Israel...otherwise known as IBEX. God has been extremely faithful in every aspect of planning for this from just being able to get on the list to providing the finances to make it possible. I was concerned about mainly one thing as I thought about this adventure: leaving my job. I love what I do, where I work, the people I work with. The Lord has also prospered my work and given me the opportunity to advance to FTO (Field Training Officer) and Crew Chief (an elaborate name for basically being the station mom, you know, make sure everyone does thier chores and makes sure there are adequate supplies available). Since this is the line of work I would like to pursue the most, it seemed a little odd to leave a job I love, and leadership positions for such a temporary adventure...but I knew it would be the best way to finish college...and the best stewardship of the I continued to pursue going and praying about how to best inform my employer. Last week all the details came into place so it came time to inform my company of the fact that I would be leaving for 3 months. I was prepared for the worst...having to resign my position altogether, being told to turn in my badge and uniform before leaving for overseas, and no way of knowing whether or not I would be able to return to the company in May. I was going to ask them for a Leave of Absence (or LOA), but didn't really expect to get one. Yesterday, I was approached by one of the management personell and asked why I didn't pursue the opportunity to advance to Associate Supervisor. I explained to him my plans to study abroad, and didn't want to put the company out by advancing...retreating so to speak. He said he understood and said they appreciated that. I asked him if he thought a leave of absence would be possible, to which he replied "absolutely". This was all well and good, but he is not the Human Resources he does not have the final say as to whether or not I am granted a LOA...but it was a step in an encouraging direction. Today I went in to talk to my immediate supervisor: the Risk and Saftey Manager/Personnel Development Manager (Lucas) about some projects I was working on for him. He discussed with me an up and coming Sr. FTO position...and asked if I was interested in applying. I told him I was interested, but that I was planning on finishing up college by studying abroad, to which he responded with disappointment and understanding. I told him that I was planning on talking to the Human Resources guy (Mike) about getting a LOA. Lucas encouraged me to do that, then said, "here, I'll walk over there with you right now and we will talk to him." So, Lucas and I walked across the hall to Mike's office, where Lucas said..."Mike, we are going to give Liz a leave of absence." No asking, no explaining to do on my supervisor just walked into Human Resources and informed them of what they were going to do! (This is a small company, we are all friends, so that is cool...i was just shocked and blessed by it!) So, now I have my LOA, I can leave the company for the semester and not have to resign (not so good for the resume if it can be avoided you know!)... I was so relieved and thankful to the Lord for His provision...somewhat bummed at the thought of having to step down out of my Crew Chief position, as I didn't imagine they would hold that spot open for 3 months just for me...but knew they would still have me work as an FTO, which is great...but the story doesn't end there...moments later I heard Mike telling Lucas that they would put a temporary Crew Chief in my order to hold the position for me. I was so amazed...there was no way I would have ever asked them to do that, even though I thought it would be nice if they could...but here they go, arrainging it...ensuring that not only will I be able to return to the same company, but the same city, same station, same position! The icing on the cake came when Mike told me my health benefits would be immedietly reinstated upon my return...(no waiting another 3 months like when you are first hired.) I walked into those offices not knowing how I would come out...would they be upset? would I be permitted a leave of absence? and walked out of the station with everthing I walked in with...and overwhelming thankfulness for the provision and graciousness of God...who not only provides me with salvation...a relationship with Him, but who provides me with everything I need...and sometimes what I I saw today. I still cannot believe how the Lord has worked in this whole entire situation...but seeing how He works all the details out does a number of things:
1. Builds my faith and trust in Him.
2. Reminds me of what I really deserve and how all this is above and beyond what I could ask or think.
3. Gives me a sense of rest, knowing that God is in control, and taking this opportunity is the best decision.
4. Grows a profound thankfulness in my heart for His goodness (that doesn't even seem to be the right word)

On my way home I listened to a hymn that seemed to verbalize what my heart was saying:


Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation!
O my soul, praise Him, for He is thy health and salvation!
All ye who hear, now to His temple draw near;
Praise Him in glad adoration.

Praise to the Lord, Who over all things so wondrously reigneth,
Shelters thee under His wings, yea, so gently sustaineth!
Hast thou not seen how thy desires ever have been
Granted in what He ordaineth?

Praise to the Lord, Who hath fearfully, wondrously, made thee;
Health hath vouchsafed and, when heedlessly falling, hath stayed thee.
What need or grief ever hath failed of relief?
Wings of His mercy did shade thee.

Praise to the Lord, Who doth prosper thy work and defend thee;
Surely His goodness and mercy here daily attend thee.
Ponder anew what the Almighty can do,
If with His love He befriend thee.

Praise to the Lord, Who, when tempests their warfare are waging,
Who, when the elements madly around thee are raging,
Biddeth them cease, turneth their fury to peace,
Whirlwinds and waters assuaging.

Praise to the Lord, Who, when darkness of sin is abounding,
Who, when the godless do triumph, all virtue confounding,
Sheddeth His light, chaseth the horrors of night,
Saints with His mercy surrounding.

Praise to the Lord, O let all that is in me adore Him!
All that hath life and breath, come now with praises before Him.
Let the Amen sound from His people again,
Gladly for aye we adore Him.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Thanksgiving in "the Hood"

So, I had the privilege of working this Thanksgiving...we were treated to a relatively quiet shift...two pies from the company and 3 from a co-worker, an invitation to lunch with the ER staff...and a "station cooked" Thanksgiving dinner. Now when I say "station cooked" have to understand our station is equipped with a sink, a cabinet and a couple of dishes to go in it, a toaster oven and a microwave. There is a gas stove in our station...but it isn't hooked up though...for some reason, management thinks we might be prone to burn down the station by forgetting and leaving it on to run a call. So, we were faced with the challenge of preparing Thanksgiving the microwave. With the help of some of the crew...we pulled off a full traditional Thanksgiving dinner...including turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet corn, cranberry sauce, and about 20 minutes flat. It was delicious...not to mention a ton of fun. I mean many people get to make Thanksgiving in the microwave, with the stress of knowing at any moment you could be ripped away from your task to assist someone who sliced their finger in a valiant attempt to carve a bird? The crew enjoyed it and everyone had plenty to eat...albeit we had to shove most of it down our throats due to a sudden influx of 911 calls...mostly TCs (Traffic Collisions) between (unfortunately) drunk drivers and those who happened to be in their way. Thankfully, no one was seriously injured, but some people spent the rest of their Thanksgiving in the cooler. Anyways, all that to say...even though I had to work, Thanksgiving was fun...and a great opportunity to realize how much I have to be thankful for.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Code Pink...

Heard while drilling one of my trainees at work about different codes:

Me: "Code Blue?"
Trainee: "Full Arrest"
Me: "Good...Code Red?"
Trainee: "Fire"
Me: "Right...Code Pink?"
Trainee: "...hmm, uh, people bringing flowers?"
Me: (laughs out loud) "no, infant abduction."


At the request of my dear friends Miroslav and Ivana in are some more pictures...hope you enjoy these too!! ~Liz

Fuschia fusion...

This photo is mirror images of the previous photo fused in the middle...kind of has a cool effect.

something old...

Thursday, November 02, 2006


I am in a photography class right naturally, by blog will probably turn into a photo blog. I hope you enjoy them. Please feel free to leave comments, I would love to get some feedback! ~Liz

Reversed Reflection

my cup runs over...

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

" Inglewood...not so much."

This incident occured on October 30, 2006 in the area I work. I wasn't working the night this happened, but when I came in the next morning it was on the news...

One man was killed and another wounded in a shooting in a supermarket parking lot Monday in Inglewood, authorities said. The shooting occurred at 5:20 p.m. in the parking lot of Ralphs market at La Brea and Centinela avenues, said Sgt. George Sanford of the Inglewood Police Department. 20-year-old Alexander Lewis Jr., died of multiple gunshot wounds to his upper torso. The victim who survived was also shot multiple times in the upper torso and remains in critical condition...
Authorities believe the shooting may be gang-related. It is the 38th murder in Inglewood this year. Copyright © 2006, KTLA

The interesting thing is that this parking lot at this intersection is the one my crew spends the most time in when we are sent to "post". I have spent countless hours in the parking lot of that Ralph's, so it was a little odd to see that someone was killed there. As a matter of fact, later the next day while I was working we were sent to post there. Later that night we ran another GSW (gunshot wound) in Inglewood. When I called my sister later that night and told her about it she asked "was it in a bad part of town." I replyed..."oh, only about 6 streets up from our station." "Wow" she said. It wasn't as big a deal to me, especially after on July 4th of this year a man was shot and killed almost directly across the street from our station. No part of Inglewood is really safe. As a matter of fact, no where in the world is really safe. We face the consequences of the fall every minute of every day. Sure, some areas of the world seem to experience more consequences than others, but the only true safe place to be is right with God and ultimately in heaven. It's comforting to know that working down there...not that I am worried or anything. I feel very safe in Inglewood...mostly because I know I am safe in Christ...and that, my friends, is priceless. But were you to ask me if I think where I work is a "safe" place...I would have to reply..."In Inglewood?...not so much."

For more information on this story go to:,0,5381633.story?coll=ktla-news-1

Monday, October 30, 2006

Station 15 Sentiment

I came into work and saw this posted over the sink. I think its funny. One guy even called me and asked me if I still worked there...I'm like..."uh, yeah, why?" He's like, "Cuz someone put up a sign saying to do our own dishes." Fun times. :)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

My friend...

Here is someone I am very thankful for...this is my friend Jacky. We both attended the same church and we were both EMTs. Shortly after we met, Jacky got a job with a local ambulance company. A few months later, with the help and advice of my dear friend, I was hired by the same company. We worked at different stations on different shifts, but we were able to work 2 shifts together...that was fun! About 3 months later, I moved on to another ambulance company...and Jacky followed about a month later. We never got to work the same shift at this company, but we did run into each other one day while we were both on duty...(when this picture was taken.) Jacky and her husband moved to Alabama about a week after this photo. I miss her! Having a godly, Christian girlfriend in the same business was and still is a tremendous encouragement to me. Jacky understands me and my struggles at work like very few people do. I love calling her and telling her the crazy stories from work that week...she actually enjoys hearing them and doesn't get grossed out!!! Anyways, in the spirit of thankfulness...I am thankful for my friend Jacky!!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Thankful for...

Here are some simple things and favorite things that I am very thankful for...

- showers, especially hot ones
- opening a pack of gum....mmmm.
- iPods
- technical support
- a clean room
- freeways
- advil
- gatorade
- relief shifts that show up on time ready to work
- uniforms
- hand soap
- triage
- ice cream...especially mint chocolate chip
there are lots more...but thats a start

Friday, September 01, 2006

Summer's End

Well, the summer is over...well not seasonally, but for all practical purposes, the lazy days of summer are gone. School started this week for many students...including myself. I have the privilege of taking Anatomy and Physiology 2, Principles of Physical Conditioning, Health Science, and Photography. In Anatomy Lab we have already started into some "gross" we disected a cow eye on Wednesday. The aqueous humor squirted all over and it was rather gross...there are days when my job is less gross than anatomy lab! It will be a challenge to balance these new study responsibilities with work, but there is only one year left of school, and I know that all my strength comes from the Lord, Creator of Heaven and earth, but I am concerned that my own laziness and lack of discipline will get in the way! This should be a good semester to learn to use the little minutes wisely!
In other news: at work I have switched partners once again...I don't know for sure who the new one will be...but thanks Emilio for a great month or so! Have fun on 1502-A. Now I am the crew chief for our station, which basically means I keep the station stocked, resolve problems, ensure that the crews are happy, do what I can to make them more comfortable in the station...and make sure they get their chores done. So far, it seems more like a joke to everyone than anything, especially with my partner, he started calling me crew chief long before I was ever actually designated as one...mock This position will also prove to be challenging as I try to serve the crews, but also have to exert some authority to make sure stuff gets done...something I will definitely need tons of humility and wisdom from the Lord to do! Please pray for me!!!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Vehicle vs Hydrant

Photo courtesy and copyright of E. Gaona

My EMT partner Emilio and I ran this call this morning...The driver of a Ford 15 passenger van reportedly fell asleep at the wheel, ran off the road and struck a fire hydrant, knocking it off its base sending water about 30' into the air and flooding the street with about 5" of water in some places. Upon our arrival the driver denied any injuries and his van suffered only a flat tire. There were no passengers or other vehicles involved in the incident.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

What is man?

Today I was able to spend some time with friends at Vasquez Rocks. As we climbed around on huge pieces of rock jutting out at odd angles from the ground, we considered the nature of how these rocks came to be the way they were as well as why the different crevices and holes that characterized the rocks came to be. As a Christian, I believe the flood is the most likely cause for the beautiful landscape. I was reminded of God's judgment on sin, but also His great mercy. This beautiful park was created in the process of the greatest disaster this world has scene, and as a result of God's judgment on sin. However, we were able to enjoy a day relaxing on the consequences of this great disaster and be reminded of the greatness and grace of our God.

Psalm 8 reminds us of this very thing...

When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have ordained; what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?...O LORD, our Lord, how majestic is Your name in all the earth!

Fire damages home in Inglewood

"1502 for County Fire, 173's on an explosion."

At approximately 1300 on Friday me and my partner were dispatched for a Los Angeles County Fire call in the Northern part of Inglewood. As we approached the scene from Pincay facing Crenshaw we could see smoke rising from about the right area for where we knew our call was located. As we pulled up on scene we could see flames coming from the roof of a single family dwelling. Thankfully, no one was occupying the house as it was in the process of being remodeled. Over 8 units responded to the scene including Engines 173, 14, 170, and 18, Squads 173, 171 and Battalion Chief 20. The fire was under control in about 15 minutes. No firefighters were injured in the process of extinguishing the flames or in the process of overhaul procedures. According to Firefighter Ryan Watson, the fire was started by a transfomer that blew causing some plastic to catch on fire that spread to the new wood that had recently been installed. The fire spread to the attic and roof causing a great deal of damage to the Inglewood home.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

BREAKING NEWS: Light Plane Crashes in Canyon Country

"A private airplane registered to a Reseda man crashed shortly before noon Tuesday in the wash behind Don Cuco's restaurant in Canyon Country. Minor injuries were reported. Occupants included two people and a dog. See Wednesday's Signal for the full story and photographs..." -Signal Staff

I was driving down one of the major streets in Canyon Country and was approaching a red light when a small airplane swooped and wobbled low to the ground and disappeard behind some buildings. Based on the direction of the plane...I knew he was going to crash...but here I was...stuck at a red light!!! When the light turned green I proceeded to look towards the area the plane was last heading and could see dust rising from the wash to my right. I pulled into a small parking lot adjacent to the wash, pulled out my aid kit, jumped the fence and started walking towards the crash site. As I approached I could see a number of people already around the plane. It appeared that the plane made a crash landing in the wash, stopping only when it ran into a cement embankment lined with large rocks. I slid down the embankment and proceeded to make sure the occupants of the plane we uninjured. After ensuring everyone was ok (the only injury was a small abrasion on one occupants head) we stood around in the hot desert sun waiting for LASD and LACOFD to arrive. After giving a short report to the responding units, I headed back to my car, grabbed my camera and took these photos.

The pilot of the airplane reported that he started having engine trouble and had to crash land the plane in the wash. Thankfully the wash was wide and empty with no powerlines nearby. (However, there were powerlines along the street that the plane came very close to as it approached the wash for landing.) The pilot also stated that his brakes went out as he attempted to land.

(click on photo for a closer look)

Many bystanders congratulated the pilot on making such an awesome landing. Many of them had seen the entire scenario unfold and were astonished at the skill with which the pilot landed the aircraft in such adverse conditions. Thankfully there was also no fire involved in the crash. The other occupant of the aircraft and a dog were also involved in the crash, but there were no serious injuries to either.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Long overdue update

Hey everyone
Sorry it has been so long since I last updated my blog. I have been superbusy with work and stuff. Since the last time I wrote my company has undergone some major changes as a result of a big contract we lost. As a result I may be losing my job as they have too many people to fill to few spots now. I was hired by another company that does the same thing...but they just contacted me and told me that they hired too many I am currently on a waitlist for a job at that company. All this to say it is a great opportunity to trust the Lord! There may be an opportunity to move to a different division within my current company so that may be the best thing all around. Mostly, I have no idea what is next...but I do know this...I know that my Redeemer lives, And at the last He will take His stand on the earth. Job 19:25. Ultimately this is all that matters. Jobs will come and go. God never changes. I read Psalm 103 this is definitely one of my favorite Psalms..."Bless the Lord, O my soul; and all that is within me bless His holy name! Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits; Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies. Who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's..." This Psalm reminds me that all good things come from the Lord, and even though I don't understand and see the big picture yet...He does and will not let anything happen that is outside of His goodness. For that reminder I am most thankful! I hope that this is an encouragement to you too...I know many of you are probably facing much more difficult things than just dealing with job security issues! Trust the Lord, bless His holy name...don't forget any of His benefits!
In Christ...Liz

Thursday, March 23, 2006

This is it....Training's over

After 2 weeks of classroom orientation and 9 days of field training...I finally cleared and was released to work in the field. Exciting and intimidating. No more..."trainee" errors allowed. This is it. I am responsible. I cleared on Monday at about 1715. I ran my first shift from 1530-0630 Tuesday. It went well...I think I only made one paramedic mad. I handed him the IV tubing the wrong bad...I was nervous. Not only did I hand it to him wrong, but I also tied a knot in it. ( was fixable though) then I couldn't get a blood pressure after two tries. I finally got it once we stopped at the hospital. But I learned thats good! I will run my first regularly scheduled shift tonight. I don't have a partner yet, so either I will sit around the station all night and do nothing, or I will jump on with someone else who doesn't have a partner. I still have a lot to learn and get experience in to be good and not make people upset...but that takes time and thinking logically. Hopefully it will come fast. Thankfully I was able to get the schedule I hoped for that will allow me to work my other job, and still be involved in bible study and church. I will try and get some pictures up soon...a blog with no pictures is pretty boring. Thanks for your prayers regarding getting this job and going through training! I will keep you all updated on what kind of calls I am running as I can if you are is a list of what we did on Tuesday:

1. Slip and fall
2. Possible shoulder dislocation (ouch!)
3. Dystonic reaction*
4. DOA (Dead on Arrival)

*Dystonic Reaction: A state of abnormal tension or muscle tone, similar to dystonia, produced as a side effect of certain antipsychotic medications. (

Friday, March 10, 2006

Random Quotes

J.H: On seeing my EMT uniform..."you look like an overgrown Girl Scout."

Field Training

Well, the first week of field training is over. That means I finally got to hit the streets of Los Angeles in an rig (ambulance for those of you who may not be as familiar with the EMS lingo (EMS=Emergency Medical Services). Today we got 2 good fire calls. I got to do some mapping (give directions to the in...ok here is where we need to be in 8 minutes...figure out how to get him there!) This is something I really need to work on...not knowing the area that well and the map and the streets not necessarily being the same know...I got him turned the wrong way at least twice. Thankfully only one of those times was when we were actually enroute to an emergency...which ended up not being an emergency. Overall it has been a great week. God has been so gracious. I am really enjoying getting to know my co-workers, understanding the whole system better, learning how to map, fill out paper work...and most of to work the gurney! (Those things are harder to work than it seems!) It has been fun, sad, hard, frustrating at times...but I am so thankful to be able to be doing what I love to do and be able to use the traning that God has provided me with! Thanks for reading! Have a great week!!!!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Answer to the Question

Steve: Here is the answer to your question about the Golden Rule.

What is commonly known as the "Golden Rule" is kind of a shorthand term for one of Christ's teachings. The common way to define the Golden Rule is to "treat others the way you want to be treated." In the Sermon on the Mount recorded in Matthew chapters 5-7 Christ says "In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets." (Matthew 7:12) Dr. John MacArthur's study notes on this passage states "Versions of the Golden Rule existed before Christ, in the rabbinic writings and even in Hinduism and Buddhism. All of them cast the rule as a negative command, sugh as Rabbi Hillel's version, "What is hateful to yourself do not to someone else." Jesus made it a positive command, enriching its meaning and underscoring that this one imperative aptly summarizes the whole gist of the ethical principles contained in the Law and the Prophets." (pg. 1401 study notes in the MacArthur Study Bible copyright 1997 by Word Publishing (a division of Thomas Nelson). This same principle was brought up many more times in the New Testament (see Luke 6:31, Matthew 22:40, Romans 13:8, Galatians 5:14. and 1 Timothy 1:5). Basically all of these Scriptures command us to love our neighbors as ourselves. There are many more instances of this principle. Many of you are probably familiar with the story of the Good Samaritan, this is a fine example of a man treating someone else the way he would want to be treated.

All of this is well and good, I treat other people nice...they like me...God likes me...or does He? Just treating people the way I want to be treated is not enough to get on good terms with God. Remember...God is holy, just and pure and cannot tolerate ANY sin whatsover. So what does that mean for me? I tried to be good right? Isn't that all God really wants...for us to make a good effort? After all none of us is perfect. The answer is NO. God is just, He cannot justly hide our sin under the rug and pretend that it never existed just because we "made a good effort." The truth is you are deceiving yourself into believing that you are even trying to please God. Romans 3:10-11 says "There is none righteous, no, not one; there is none who understands; THERE IS NONE WHO SEEKS AFTER GOD." (emphasis added) We do not seek after God much less try to please Him on our own.

The only way to please God is to accept the subsitutionary death of Christ on our behalf for the forgiveness of our sins.

Romans 5:6-10 says that "For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will hardly die for a righteous man; though perhaps for the good man someone would dare even to die. But God demonstrates His own love for us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified (declared righteous) by His blood, we shall be saved from the wrath of God through Him. For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God throug the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, we shall be saved by His life." (New American Standard Bible)

1 John 5:11-12 states that "...God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has the life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have the life.

So in short the Golden Rule is a summary of the "ethical principles contained in the Law and the Prophets" as Dr. MacArthur so aptly put it. But all the ethics in the world will do nothing to bring you into a personal relationship with God. If you have any more questions please feel free to post them...I will do my best to answer them!! (That goes for any of you too!!)

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Signatures, TB test, and lectures

Well, after the second day of is a small sample of what we have been doing.
1. Signing over 40 pieces of paper. (Yes, I realize that the nature of this job eliminates the possibility of meal breaks, yes you can do a background check on me, this is exactly how I want my name to appear on my ID card...etc, etc.)
2. Watching over 25 people get tested for TB in about 30 minutes. (Roll up your sleeve, have you ever tested positive for TB?...Ok,
3. Learning how to exercise in such a way that you will prevent breaking your back on the job.
4. Learning how to be nice to patients and everyone else. (Does anyone here know the Golden Rule?)
5. Getting fingerprinted for the second time in less than a month. (Know I have not taken up a career as a criminal, its just part of getting the job..."your thumb again please...")
6. Being the minority. (Guy-Girl ratio: 25/2)
7. Freezing inside the classroom.
8. Watching a freaky video of a car slamming into a parked ambulance. ("Class...always be aware of your surroundings.")
9. Wondering exactly how many certification cards I have to have to work this job...(Is 7 enough...or do I need more? Do I have to get another LiveScan? When do I have to have this by?)
10. Driving in traffic.

Really, this is the fun part! I am so excited to be here in this training. To tell you the truth, sometimes I have a hard time believing that I really have this job! God is SO GOOD! Last summer I worked my last shift at the volunteer company I was working for...and wondered if I would ever have the opportunity to get in a rig again as a provider...well, it would appear that God has given me another opportunity!

Because of Christ Alone, Liz

Monday, February 20, 2006

New Job

Well, tomorrow I start orientation for my new job...working as an EMT in the City of Los Angeles. I am excited to see what the Lord will do with this opportunity! I have wanted to work as an EMT for about 3 years now. I was able to volunteer for a year in Virginia...but had to leave to attend The Master's College (see I am excited to be able to hit the field again, sharpen and use my training and skills, and seek to honor the Lord in this arena. Obviously, I am somewhat apprehensive as this is a new state, a new job, new people, and a totally different environment (suburban Washington DC and Central LA are completely different places!) I am excited to see the Lord work. I will try and keep this blog updated with information on how things are going for all of my interested friends! Until His face. - Liz

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Only by His grace...

Some of you may be wondering why I chose the name I did for my, as a first real post, I will tell you. The statement "In Christ Alone" is, in many ways, the theme of my life. It is because of Christ alone that I "live and move and exist..." (Acts 17:28) He formed me, made me, and has sustained me to this point in my life, and will for the rest of my life. However, more than just being the reason for my physical existance, Christ is the reason for my eternal hope. It is because of Christ's work on the cross that I can be at peace with God. Why is it important for me to be at peace with God? Because I am a sinner, by nature. Romans 3:10-12 says that "There is none righteous, not even one; there is none who understands, there is none who seeks for God; they have all turned aside, together they have become useless; there is none who does good, there is not even one." Romans 3:23 says "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" From conception I was a sworn enemy of God, I did not seek Him, I did not love him, my actions violated His holy law and I was justly under condemnation for my sin. Romans 6:23 reveals that the just payment for sin is death "For the wages of sin is death". However the rest of the verse explains why I have hope: "...but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." This life in Christ is made possible by Christ's death on the cross over 2.000 years ago. Christ died in my place. Christ is my substitute before God because He took the death penalty for me. The words of the song "In Christ Alone" by the Newsboys tells the same message:

"In Christ alone my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This Cornerstone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
What heights of love, what depths of peace
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease
My Comforter, my All in All
Here in the love of Christ I stand

In Christ alone, who took on flesh
Fullness of God in helpless babe
This gift of love and righteousness
Scorned by the ones He came to save
‘Til on that cross as Jesus died
The wrath of God was satisfied
For every sin on Him was laid
Here in the death of Christ I live

There in the ground His body lay
Light of the world by darkness slain
Then bursting forth in glorious Day
Up from the grave He rose again
And as He stands in victory
Sin’s curse has lost its grip on me
For I am His and He is mine
Bought with the precious blood of Christ

No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me
From life’s first cry to final breath
Jesus commands my destiny
No power of hell, no scheme of man
Can ever pluck me from His hand
‘til He returns or calls me home
Here in the power of Christ I’ll stand"

I love this song. It is always an encouragment to me. The longer I know Christ, the more profoundly impacted I am by the depth of my sin...but more so the abounding grace and mercy of a HOLY God that chose to love me and pour out His grace on me. So, that is why I named my blog "In Christ Alone". As far as the more personal side of my story...I was born in a home where I was taught about God from the time I was an little. Always went to church, was an outwardly good kid. But my heart was far from the Lord. I was selfish and only sought what would best serve me. When I was a teenager, my family went through some really tough times. The Lord used this to show me how much of a sinner I was. At the same time I started listening to Grace to You (a radio ministry of John MacArthur...see The Word of God was clearly taught and I saw that the only way for me to be forgiven of my sin was to repent and turn to Christ for mercy. God softened my heart to my sin and brought me to repentance and faith in His Son, Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of my sin. Since then, God has grown me more and more in my love for and understanding of the gospel. It is my hope and prayer that all who read this blog will come to understand what great sinners they are and how great a Savior Christ is...
Well, here I am joining the blogging world...mostly as a way to stay in touch with family and friends...we will see how it works. This first post is short...but hopefully there will be more later...until then...liz

Me and my sister.