Monday, October 30, 2006

Station 15 Sentiment

I came into work and saw this posted over the sink. I think its funny. One guy even called me and asked me if I still worked there...I'm like..."uh, yeah, why?" He's like, "Cuz someone put up a sign saying to do our own dishes." Fun times. :)

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

My friend...

Here is someone I am very thankful for...this is my friend Jacky. We both attended the same church and we were both EMTs. Shortly after we met, Jacky got a job with a local ambulance company. A few months later, with the help and advice of my dear friend, I was hired by the same company. We worked at different stations on different shifts, but we were able to work 2 shifts together...that was fun! About 3 months later, I moved on to another ambulance company...and Jacky followed about a month later. We never got to work the same shift at this company, but we did run into each other one day while we were both on duty...(when this picture was taken.) Jacky and her husband moved to Alabama about a week after this photo. I miss her! Having a godly, Christian girlfriend in the same business was and still is a tremendous encouragement to me. Jacky understands me and my struggles at work like very few people do. I love calling her and telling her the crazy stories from work that week...she actually enjoys hearing them and doesn't get grossed out!!! Anyways, in the spirit of thankfulness...I am thankful for my friend Jacky!!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Thankful for...

Here are some simple things and favorite things that I am very thankful for...

- showers, especially hot ones
- opening a pack of gum....mmmm.
- iPods
- technical support
- a clean room
- freeways
- advil
- gatorade
- relief shifts that show up on time ready to work
- uniforms
- hand soap
- triage
- ice cream...especially mint chocolate chip
there are lots more...but thats a start